Had a pleasant (Silicon) Valley Sunday. Fell asleep halfway through writing my diary last night. It is now a little soggy with drool / snot. And last night's entry is literally semi-legible nonsensical ramblings. Jesus I was tired. Woke up at 3am with no idea where I was. Really weird. Managed to sleep for another hour then gave up the pretence and accepted I was awake. Read for a bit. Played on my iPad and then toyed with the idea of going to San Fran on the CalTrain. Decided I couldn't be arsed as I'm still full of flu and feeling run down. So decided to stay local and go and see The Muppets at the cinema in Mountain View.
Now I know I'm biased, but it was fucking brilliant. It's really unexpectedly funny. And it has Dave Grohl in it. And Scooter works at Google. I knew I made the right decision accepting the job!
It was another gorgeous sunny day. Here is a photo of my apartment complex -
Other great things about my trip to the cinema.... Now that the Muppets are part of the Disney family, it means that I also got an awesome new Toy Story short before the main feature. Fozzy Bear invents fart shoes (if anyone's stuck for an idea for a Christmas present for me then there's one right there!). It has the song "Am I A Man or a Muppet" in it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0zpxC6O7nE). Even Jack Black can't ruin it. In fact he's actually quite funny in it. Clearly because of some Muppet halo effect.
Anyway, I'm back home now. Had a shower and washed my hair so I'm all clean and shiny tomorrow. Nerves aren't too bad. Yet. I'm of the mindset to just relax, be the more professional version of myself, and just enjoy the experience. I'm sure it'll be a different story when I'm actually there living the dream, but for now I'm trying to remain calm. The only weird thing is the fact that it's been so long coming. Nearly a year. And now it's finally here, I almost can't believe it's actually happening. It dragged on for so long I kind of came to terms with the fact that it would never happen. Maybe it isn't, and I'm actually in a coma somewhere. Who knows.
Think I've sussed out the bus timetable and know what I'm doing in the morning. Have an emergency back up taxi number just in case. I shall get there on time. Certainly no chance of me oversleeping!
Big update tomorrow. Might be from me, might be from my clone. WILL YOU BE ABLE TO TELL?!?!?!
H xxx
That Chinese kid was DEFINITELY part of a test. I read somewhere that Google got into a bit of trouble with these 'practical' tests. Something to do with what the lodger gets up to in the night, I think, can't remember the details.